Waltham Community Cottage is a registered charitable trust operating from a Christchurch City Council owned property. Community members refer to us as 'a big functional family.'
A safe place for the community to share resources, develop friendships, access friendly, professional staff for advocacy, coaching, guidance and referrals. To alleviate loneliness, isolation and grow confidence, self-sufficiency and empowerment.
Opportunities - to participate in small groups such as ukulele, Falls Prevention, school holiday programmes and weekly community lunches.
Organisations, companies and individuals contribute financially or by donating expertise, goods or services. We are very fortunate to receive invaluable funding from the following organisations.
With their support we are able to cover the day-to-day running costs of the Cottage.

Our mission statement is a ‘vibrant place of hope and connection, standing tall, reaching all.’ An extension of our focus is on people’s well-being. When well-being is experienced, people begin to thrive and create their own opportunities. We support people's well-being in our open, safe and friendly environment.
What we offer
Advocacy and support with personal issues
A listening ear
Opportunity to make connections with people in the community
Assistance in compiling a CV and job seeking support
Children's after school guitar lessons
Steady As You Go group
The Cottage Sisterhood (women supporting women) meets weekly
Seniors foot clinic - every 6 weeks - contact office for bookings
Inexpensive used clothing and bric-a-brac
Email and internet access - internet cafe
Seniors group - meet 2nd Thursday of each month
Free wholesome lunch (every Wednesday)
Ukulele class - koha
A room for community groups after hours - contact office
Annual seed and seedling swap
WCC Wahine Wellness Group (Thursday 10 am-11 am)
Free bread
Hairdresser every 6 weeks
Men's group (men supporting men) Meets every 2 weeks
Games afternoon (last Thursday of the month)