We have ongoing programmes at the Cottage and short-term projects that we work towards. We endeavour to commit to projects that people in the community want and/or need.
Seniors Group
Our Seniors meet monthly for afternoon tea, speakers and entertainment.
Community Lunch
Weekly during term time.
Lunch on the house - All welcome.
Cottage Boutique
Pop into the Waltham Cottage Boutique for secondhand clothes and Bric-A-Brac.
The Cottage Sisterhood
Women supporting women.
Meets weekly.
WCC Wahine Wellness Group
Thursdays 10 am -11 am
Ukulele Group
Meets weekly term time.
Come over to the cool side and learn how to play.
Steady As You Go: SAYGO
Meets weekly.
SAYGO supports adults to stay upright, strengthen muscles and stay safe!
Children Guitar tuition with Matt
Weekly during term time.
Learn how to play the guitar today!
Men's Group
Men supporting men.
Meets every 2 weeks.

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