"There is a crack in everything... that's how the light gets in..."
Anthem, Leonard Cohen
The 'Supporters' committee actively seeks ways to raise funds for projects such as children's activities and family support.
The Supporters Fund is separate from the day-to-day running costs of the Cottage which we have fabulous funders for.
Very often, kind hearted people want to help, however they don't know where or how to direct
their financial support. If you like to donate locally within New Zealand, the Cottage Project could be of interest to you.
How can I help?
Waltham Community Cottage is a registered charity and is reliant on the kindness and generosity of individuals and organisations for its continued service. We are so appreciative to those who choose to donate to our Supporters Fund and take seriously our commitment to provide what is most needed for our community.
Yes! Some people pay $5.00 per week and we really appreciate their support.
Yes! If we are running a program that you are interested in supporting, then
you can earmark your donation to go towards that project. Should you have an idea that is outside of our current programs, we are open to discussing this with you. It is our aim to only offer support that is in keeping with our kaupapa or mission statement.
Yes! We are a registered charity and at the end of each financial year we will send out receipts. If you choose to donate via our ‘givealittle’ page, you will receive a receipt at the time.
Yes! You can pay via your bank, either online or by visiting your local branch. If you choose to pay by credit card, you can choose to donate via our ‘givealittle’ page.
Yes. They take a 5% commission on a one-off payment. Whilst ‘givealittle’ is sponsored by Spark, there are costs incurred by hosting websites and processing payments. If you would like to donate regularly via a credit card – they take $1:00 per transaction as well.
The staff at the Cottage will use their knowledge, wisdom and common sense when deciding where your money is spent (unless you have specified its destination). 100% of your donation goes directly to helping people as the day-to-day running of the Cottage is funded by other sources

By becoming a Supporter of Waltham Cottage you are making an investment in our people for an inclusive and positive future for Christchurch.
Some ways the Supporters Funds are utilised:
Children After School Guitar Class
Children Judo Lessons
Children Swimming lessons
Club Memberships
School Stationery
Prescription Costs
Ambulance Fees
School Clothing